Thursday, September 13, 2007

of wine and One Life

Imagine a world that thought of someone else everytime they sipped a fine merlot.
Imagine a world that thought of love..... not can I find, can I have, can I give but.......
I can't say I know how to love and continue to live my life as if everyone else has the same luxurious dilemmas that I do.
Imagine a world where St. Francis was a celebrity, Jesus was a star, Mother Teresa was not looked down upon for being human and having doubts.

We talk of sustainability. Sustainable for who? Enviromental???? As humanism reals its head towards PC philanthropy and gains the status of star in the eyes of the population, I want everyone to know that we are only scratching the surface of Christ's Ideal. Social Capitalism...... What a crock in the hands of greed.
As many turn from us in search of atheistic humanism the train may be derailed. Let us hold our heads up high as we strike the bells of God's kingdom come by putting our faith in front of our check books and feet.

Imagine an NGO that did not have to spend any money on fundraising.
Imagine everyone who earns more than 2 dollars a day was to give 1 dollar away.
Imagine everyone recognizing that One Life is it!!!!!!!
One Life is all we have!!!!!!!
One Life Experience is only a tool to revive those that have forgotten that after this, no matter how long they ignore it, no matter what they're belief, no matter what they're desires, this life they live is only a moment in time and every second we are blessed with is a second someone else deserves more than us.
Every comfort we have is a comfort at the expense of discomfort for someone else.

There is no excuse to ignore that we have only One Life and the fact that we have to remind everyone is the biggest shame of all.